Seminario Gratuito «Sincroniza tu familia»
Marzo 31, 2017
CASA (10300 SW 72 Street Suite 384 Miami, Fl 33173)
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Club de Padres
Seminario Gratuito «Sincroniza tu familia», con la psicóloga Sandra Arroyave
Fecha: March 31st 2017 / Hora: from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Dirección: CASA (10300 SW 72 Street Suite 384 Miami, Fl 33173)
Has sentido que pierdes el control de tu familia??? …. Asiste a este seminario gratuito.
O talvez si crees que tu familia es un caos… o el desespero hace parte de la rutina en el hogar… Aprende analizar el problema familiar que estas viviendo para armonizar y crear vínculos que superan los conflictos.
Preguntas: 305-463-7468 Ext 101 o mensaje de texto al 305-900-5902
Inscripciones: Online aqui
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SALUD al dia magazine is a fully SPANISH life style health magazine that offers hard-hitting, current and authoritative medical news with individual perspectives for our Hispanic readership. Written by medical doctors and health professionals, the articles cover the latest trends in new treatments, prevention, nutrition, fitness, plus departments directed to women`s health, men`s health, children, teen and the aging.
Keeping a close relationship with Hospitals, Universities, Doctors, Foundations, Healthcare Professionals, USA Government Healthcare Institutions, Pharmacological Laboratories, Health Insurance and Medical Discount Programs providers, SALUD al dia magazine has become a channel of diffusion of these organizations for the Hispanic community in general.
SALUD al dia magazine always has been close to some public and private organizations promoting their health services, organizing health events to create awareness and delivering basic health services to the underserved and low income population.